Wasp Hornet and Yellowjacket Control and Removal in Boise IdahoSafe Carpenter Ant Control and Removal in Meridian Idaho
(208) 888-7977 (Boise)
(208) 634-4523 (McCall)

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We like to hear feedback from our customers. Let us know how we can improve our service, when to set your next appointment, or any general thoughts on things that we do well. Please feel free to contact us by any of the methods provided below. The contact form will go directly to customer service and we will respond to you shortly.

*Contact by phone anytime and leave a message if there is no answer. Someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. Thank you!*


Intermountain Pest Management
3890 E. Hubbard Road
Meridian, Idaho 83642

Phone, Fax and Email

Phone: 208-888-7977 (Boise Area)
Phone: 208-634-4523 (McCall Area)
Cell: 208-859-7922

Fax: 208-888-7977

Email: service@intermountainpest.com

Service Area Map (click for larger map)

The Boise and McCall Service Areas for Intermountain Pest Management

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